Saturday, December 1, 2012

Turku, Di Trevi

On a cold snowy winter day of  December, new wine bistro DiTrevi opened in Turku, on Aurakatu next to Fontana. My initial plan was to inspect the place later, but walking in snowfall made me ready to sit down and try the newcomer. With interior it competes in same class as Tintå, but more italian style with revealed brick walls and metal chairs. With the place being open only for three hours, there was many free tables to choose from. Variety includes taller tables, sitting by the window on high chair, more secluded room and more crowded space. There are steps downstairs, but I didn't check if there is another room waiting for rush hours. The 'crowded space' has good combination of six two-seated tables that can easily joined together for tables for four. For some Finns it can feel bit too crowded, but for people who love Italy and crowded restaurants, it feels just right. Perhaps next time the word has reached bigger crowds, so there would be more noise and life. Although I didn't have anything to complain with the relatively peaceful atmosphere. Waitresses/waiters greeted warmly and welcomed new customers. So points for them - at least for those two waitress who had the luxury and joy of serving me.

I first ordered only wine - Barbera d'Alba - but decided to try one tapas to snack together with the wine. Both were good choices, tapas being italian meatballs (which tasted also italian). Barbera is one of my favorites, so I wasn't dissappointed to begin with. Their list is compact, suitable for bistro type of restaurant. Of course I was left longing for tapas in Spain, which were much cheaper and bigger. But together with the bread provided, this was enjoyable enough in Finland. Next time I have to try something bigger, and see if I am still happy with the serving. My main point for this day was just relax, sit and read (one my annual traditional rituals, The World in 2013 by Economist).

With Tintå always packed on weekends, Di Trevi brings good competition, variety and choice to pick. Still, the best wine list is in Viinille, but they don't compete with food like Di Trevi, Tintå and E. Ekblom. The co-owner of Viinille visited Di Trevi also when I sat there  - like some waiters from other competing companies. I left the place before 8 PM, so the evening might of been more busy. All in all, the experience was good and the place recommendable. They serve also lunch - although I don't have any idea what that would be like.

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